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Agilitás Blog - az agilitas. Agilis módszertani cikkek, újdonságok, vélemények, intejúk, szoftverek, eszközök és technikák - a gondolkodó, tapasztalt tanácsadók szemével. A UserStory feldarabolás 10 stratégiája. Scrum Master reference card series sustainable pace.
For just-in-time value delivery to customers. KDA provides training, coaching, and facilitation for organizations looking to make a transformational journey in adopting Lean and Agile practices a reality for their future success.
Med deg og dine kunder. Når passer det best med Scrum Master kurs. Jeg deltar på Play4Agile unconference i Tyskland. Her blir det 4 dager med smidige leker. Vi skal designe nye spill som hjelper i undervisning av smidige konsepter, samt spille disse og ha det gøy.
Agile Business Conference Building Trust Workshop. Agile Coach Camp Germany 2010. SPA2014 Implications of Conways Law. SPA2014 What Do Developers Really Need? XP2009 Agile Coaches Workshop. XP2009 Telling Your Stories Workshop.
For Agile coaches, scrum masters and other agile addicts. We are proud to welcome everybody to the fifth Norwegian agile coach camp. ScrumMasters, team leads, guerilla Change Agents, Product Owners, managers, other roles are all welcome. Diversity makes us smarter! When does it happen? The event .
The unconference for agile coaches. Agile Coach Camp Istanbul 2015. Feb 27 and 28, 2015. Agile Coach Camp Melbourne 2015. Agile Coach Camp US West 2015. Agile Coach Camp Poland 2015. April 24 - 26, 2015. Agile Coach Camp Switzerland 2015. Agile Coach Camp Netherlands 2015. May 15 - 17, 2015. Agile Coach Camp France 2015. May 16 - 17, 2015. Agile Coach Camp Denmark 2015.
Czyli Scrum oraz agile w pigułce. Dosyć długo nie czytałem żadnej książki o Scrumie. Ostatnie pozycje, które przeczytałem lub odsłuchałem od wakacji dotyczyły m.